We’ve worked hard to make this program simple, effective and safe.
Here’s how:
ImPowered was born online. It was built from the ground up to provide a guiding light in the health and fitness field for those who have a history of orthopedic conditions that have made it difficult to exercise. These pre-set programs, like the Spine Fortifier, were designed with conditions in mind that include joint replacements (such as hip, knee, shoulder), back pain, spine fusions, and more. They go beyond just accommodating these conditions though. Engaging with an ImPowered exercise program strengthens musculature at and around those areas to increase quality of life and work to reduce pain.
For people interested in a tailored program we offer the Complete Custom Online Program. It begins with our intake Movement Screen (performed via video call) to get a picture of how you currently move and what specifically can be built into your program for optimal progress.
You tell us your goals, any injuries or complications, what equipment you own, how often you can workout and for how long. We build a custom program for you from there. Guidance can also be provided for those interested in acquiring some exercise equipment as well.
Whether you’re working out at the gym, at home or on a boat- we have a plan that will give you the guidance to get fit, healthy and reach your goals.